A Trip to Seattle to See Wedding Cinematography with Rob and Vanessa on creativeLIVE

The Documentist is going to Seattle to be part of creativeLive.

To families and kids I know, that means very little if anything. But if you’re a photographer, it’s quite a big deal. creativeLive might be the largest online classroom specializing in the world depending on how you measure. Popular photographers such as Zack Arias, Matthew Jordan Smith, Sandy PucSue Bryce, Lindsey Adler, Jasmine Starr, Sal CincottaJason Groupp have all appeared on creativeLIVE.

IMG_2942-In New York with Zack Arias. We had a fun conversation about his experience in Hong Kong with Kai Wong of DigitalRev.

Cinematographer Rob Adams and photographer Vanessa Joy are instructing for the second time on creativeLIVE this coming week. I’m easily one of their biggest fans. They both do great work.

I did a 60 second audition on youtube and was chosen to be in the live student audience. It kind of sounds silly but it almost feels like I’m going on The Oprah Winfrey Show, if it were still around. You could watch the show from home but there’s just something special about being there in the studio.

IMG_2958-In New York with Jason Groupp. This was right before he ran off to do a spot on creativeLIVE when the show was in New York for photographer Lara Jade’s cL workshop.

Well this was just an announcement that I’m going. I hope to do a proper blog post about my experience there when I return.


-In New York with Matthew Jordan Smith right before he gave a presentation about a book he has coming out next year called Future President. He said a former president did the foreward for the book or contributed something written for it. I kind of asked him during his presentation which president, but he smiled and said he wasn’t telling.

Some other things… My trip to Seattle will overlap with Feuza Reis of unJerseybride.com who is a buddy of mine. She is currently on creativeLive in the audience of  Lewis Howes How to Launch and Online Business.  So basically we will have travelled  to the other side of the country to get to see each other, even though we both live on the east coast. That’s kind of funny.

Also while I’m live on air I hope to give shout out to people. Like ones I met or saw at the New York creativeLive function like Jessica Lark Photography, Darrin Estep Photography and Julie Perez Photography.

Chat room regulars like code5, MaryfromCostaRica and Fastiontv from Singapore.

All of the creativeLive “junkies”.

If they let me I could probably do a long list of shout outs like thanking people after winning an Academy Award 🙂

About The Documentist Photography

Photographing your life while you live it! www.TheDocumentist.com
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